The rise of internet video is creating a new way for people to be innovative and creative. Chris Anderson, the curator of TED conferences spoke about this and called it ‘Crowd Accelerated Innovation’. I think this is a fascinating idea and means that anybody can be innovative and teach others. He discusses the evolution of dance through the internet and YouTube. Dancers can upload videos of them as well as watch videos of others. They can take different aspects from videos to create innovative new dances that they can share with everybody else. The crowd is pushing people further and forcing people to be innovative to make things new and interesting. It is an online community of teachers and challengers and everybody from all over the world can get involved. Anderson calls it a ‘self-fuelled learning cycle’. Because you can see what everybody else is doing you can learn from the best.
One such cycle that is happening at the moment is the tread mill dance! There are over a thousand videos of people dancing on treadmills on YouTube. OK Go’s music video has started this trend and has more than 6 million views. Many people have tried to replicate it and outdo it. Tracy Anderson (fitness guru to stars such as Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow) has even turned into a type of workout!
Some people have even got their animals involved!
Before this people used to hold street dances and competitors would battle for social status. With the rise of the internet a world challenge has been made possible with anyone from any age or background challenging each other. There are no language barriers which makes it even more incredible. These people now get global recognition for their talents, however strange they might be.
Boulaire, C. et al. (2010) agree, explaining that the creative force is shown through imitation and diversification that connects people’s minds, imaginations and interests. They share their talents, abilities and skills with each other and people can learn from these. This is exactly what people are doing when sharing videos on YouTube. This is also what Tracey Anderson is trying to do with her cross trainer dance revolution.
‘We are a social species and spark off each other’. The internet makes this so much more possible. I believe that this form of many to many communication has the potential to be a massive source of innovation; discussing ideas with people from all over the world with different experiences who share common interests can only be a good thing for creativity, new ideas and innovation.